The smart phone has taken over the world, and that includes the fishing industry. The popular catch phrase every-time you come across a problem you cant solve without the use of your trusty Iphone.. "there's an App for that!", does not ring as true in the fishing industry as it does everywhere else. Dont' get me wrong there are some great App's to help fisherman out, the WFN Fishing Log is one and of course the Navionics also produced a top quality app, but where is the rest of the Industry? No other big name in the industry has produced an app.. not including games.. So here is my list of Dream Apps that I would love to see made available....
The Lure Selector App
Wouldn't it be cool it companies like Rapala or Live Target made an app, that helped you select a lure when on the water. You enter the depth of water and species targeted, it then spits out the lure best suited for both.
The Perfect Rod App
How about an App that helps an angler buy there perfect rod for them. You enter your hieght, the species you want to target with the rod, as well as a few techniques you like to use. The App would narrow down the rod best suited for you! This could be done by a single manufacture or some combined, this would help the average angler choose the right gear
Knot Options App
If there is one App that has flooded the market, it is the "how to" knot tying apps. But how about an App that tells you what kind of knot works best for each presentation, and then shows you how to do it. When to use a palomar, or a rapala knot, some guys know this stuff, and other dont.
Color -C-lector App
I know, I know, this is loved by some and hated by many. But as an App I think it would be pretty cool. Add in the wetaher condition, the water clarity, and so on, then the App tells you the best color choices for the day.
Lake Locator App
There are a ton of Apps geared to finding you the closest fast food restaurant or bank machine. But how about an app that you tells you where the closest lakes are. It uses your location to find lakes, as well as key needs, local bait shops, gas stations, marina's, public launches and so on.
Apps like these would be valuable to the everyday angler and the professional angler alike. Lets see some of the big guns in the fishing industry step up to the plate and start making some usefull on the water apps...so one day soon we really can say "there's an app for that"
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